2015 - 2023
In the 1970’s I began to travel widely to photograph landscapes and archeological sites which informed the public and private sculpture projects I made over the past 40 years. In 2015 I became aware of the aerial images of Martian terrains, polar areas and sand dunes that appeared in numerous science magazines.
Over 85,000 images have been collected by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and placed in the public domain since 2005. These images were taken from an altitude of 300 kilometers above Mars. Each image covers approximately 60 square kilometers.
Mars Suites use the rectangular format of the images downloaded from the MRO as it circles and records areas of Mars looking for signs of water, valuable minerals and possible landing sites. Most areas are photographed again and again in different lighting and weather situations, much like an earthbound photographer will visit a site multiple times to photograph it in changing conditions.
The suites are comprised of three or five images. Each image is from an area of the seemingly familiar, but actually the extraordinary, landscape of Mars.
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